Monday, February 1, 2010

Cherish what you have now.

School was okay.
Nothing special actually happened but I met an woman who was a cleaner in my former primary school. It was a job that many despised and she have being working as a cleaner for eight years.
I cried after what I have heard from her , her husband just died not long ago and it's a unknown death. She has a son who is currently jailed. She was pulling a box and two bags of recyclable items when I met her, don't be apalled that I actually went forward and helped her.

Which many does not, they would just "Eek! So embarrassing!" OR just walked away and feign they have seen nothing. Of course I got gazes and whatever from the passer-by (s) No one actually offered their help and I'm certain they are thinking like what I have presumed. I stirred pity to the woman.

I passed my chemistry but Mrs Whelan gave me a wrong which is -1 mark when I got the answer correct but wrong eqn used >:
So the conclusion is I failed because of the -1 marks

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